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Strain news: Durban Poison

I believe this is the first pure sativa I’ve ever had. I’m used to smoking sativa dominate hybrids. So, I was not prepared for the burst of energy this strain gave me. Durban Poison was bred in a South African city called you guess it Durban. The smell of this strain is kind of sweet. The interesting thing about Durban Poison is that the shape and density of the b

uds are simliar to many indica plants. They are cover in this beautiful white milky trichomes (making it quite sticky). The THC levels of this strain average about 17% which is normal for a marijuana plant. I smoked this strain for 32 days mainly in hemp wraps.

Type of high: While smoking this I experienced mainly a head high. My body was pretty much unaffected by this strain. My brain on the other hand felt brand-new. During my first session with this strain I came up with the idea to rebrand my channel to be more me and I started thinking about all the ideas I could. It was like this strain unlocked the creative part of my

brain and made easier to get all the ideas out. You know the movie “Limitless”. Where he took a pull and magically, he became smarter, that’s the type of high I had when I smoked Durban


Mood while high: I mode while high on this strain was giddy and cheerful. I felt myself smile really hard during the high. I also became quite chatty. I would feel the urge to call and have long weird convos with people. I blame this on the fact the strain gave me surge of ideas and topics to talk about. Pretty sure my best friend and boyfriend got tired of me speaking 1009 words a minute. This strain also made feel paranoid. Now I'm usually not a paranoid smoker but this strain made feel super hyper aware of all the sounds in my building. I would hear the elevator and run to the door to make sure there was no one coming to my door. I would do this multiple times throughout the night. This became quite annoying, so I started smoking outside where I felt “safer”.

Anxiety while high: I don’t think this a good strain for people with anxiety. Honestly because it gave me paranoia my anxiety would skyrocket. One night after a sesh with this strain I had a bad anxiety attack, so bad I had to take my Prescribed medication. On the other side

of this when I started smoking outside this strain helped my social anxiety. It made me feel happy and free which made it easier to be around people. So, I guess it depends on your environment.

After high: The after high was Motivated. I personally think since smoking this strain I’ve been coming out with my best content. I wake up from a session ready to work. I don’t wake up tired or groggy. It’s a pretty great after high.

Conclusion: This is a great strain if you are in a creative rut or if you want to go out on an adventure. This is not a good strain if you have anxiety or if you get paranoid. This is a great strain if you want to exercise. This is not a good strain if you want to sit in your house and watch tv.

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